Why does my child throw up when crying?

As a parent, it’s never easy to see your little one in distress. When they cry, you want nothing more than to comfort and soothe them. But what happens when their tears turn into vomit? It’s not only unsettling but also concerning. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind why children sometimes throw up while crying and provide tips on how to prevent it from happening again. So let’s dive in!


When a baby cries, sometimes their stomach can get upset and they may throw up. This is usually just a small amount of spit-up and is nothing to worry about. However, if your child is throwing up more than usual, or if they seem to be in pain when they cry, it’s important to speak to your doctor.

What Causes Children to Vomit When Crying?

There are many potential causes of vomiting in children, but one of the most common is simply dehydration. When a child cries, their body temperature rises and they can lose a lot of fluid through sweating. This can lead to dehydration, which can in turn cause vomiting. Other potential causes of vomiting in children include infections, food allergies, and certain medical conditions. If your child is vomiting frequently or suffering from other symptoms like fever or diarrhea, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any serious problems.

How to Deal with a Child Throwing Up While Crying

When your child is throwing up while crying, it can be a difficult situation to deal with. Here are some tips on how to handle this:

  1. Try to stay calm yourself. If you are feeling panicked or upset, it will only make the situation worse.
  2. Check to see if your child is choking or if there is something else causing the vomiting. If so, call 911 or take them to the nearest emergency room immediately.
  3. If your child is not choking and the vomiting seems to be under control, have them sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  4. Stay with your child and do not leave them alone until the vomiting has stopped completely.
  5. Once the vomiting has stopped, give your child small sips of clear fluids like water or Pedialyte to prevent dehydration. Avoid giving them sugary drinks or dairy products at this time as they can make the vomiting worse.
  6. Monitor your child closely for any signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, dark urine, or no tears when crying. If you notice these signs, call your doctor right away.
  7. Make sure to clean up any mess after the vomiting has stopped and wash anything that may have come in contact with the vomit. This will help prevent the spread of germs or bacteria that could make your child sicker.
  8. Try to comfort your child and let them know that you are there for them. If they are still upset or anxious, talk to them about their feelings and offer reassurance.
  9. If the vomiting continues or becomes worse, call your doctor for further advice on what to do.

By following these tips, you should be able to help your child feel better while they are throwing up and crying.

Common Solutions for Dealing With the Problem

There are a few common solutions for dealing with this problem:

  • First, try to figure out what is causing your child to throw up when crying. Is it a physical condition, such as a stomach virus? Or is it something psychological, like anxiety or stress? Once you know the cause, you can better treat the problem.
  • If the cause is physical, then focus on treating the underlying condition. This may involve giving your child medication, or making sure they get plenty of rest and fluids.
  • If the cause is psychological, then you may need to help your child learn how to cope with their emotions in a healthy way. This can involve therapy, relaxation techniques, or simply spending more quality time together.
  • Finally, if the problem persists, it may be worth consulting a doctor or specialist who can give you advice tailored to your child’s specific needs.

By understanding the cause of your child’s vomiting, you can work together to find an effective solution. This may take time and patience, but will be worth it in the end.

Prevention of Vomiting During a Tantrum

When a child throws up while crying, it is usually due to gastroesophageal reflux (GER), which is when stomach contents come back up into the esophagus. GER is common in infants and children, and usually goes away on its own by age 1 or 2. Some children with GER have other symptoms such as:

  • -coughing
  • -wheezing
  • -chest pain
  • -difficulty swallowing
  • -heartburn

If your child has any of these other symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor. There are treatments available that can help your child feel better and prevent vomiting during tantrums.

Tips and Tricks to Help Your Child Through A Tantrum

If your child is having a tantrum, there are some things you can do to help them through it. First, try to stay calm yourself. This can be difficult, but it will help your child if you’re not getting upset too. Second, try to understand what might be causing the tantrum. Is your child tired, hungry, or frustrated? Once you know what the cause is, you can try to address it. For example, if your child is tired, see if you can put them down for a nap. If they’re hungry, see if you can find them something to eat. And if they’re frustrated, see if you can help them with whatever they’re trying to do. Finally, remember that tantrums are normal and they’ll eventually end. Just ride it out and remain calm, and things will go back to normal soon enough.


While it can be a worrying sign, vomiting when crying is usually not something to worry about. In most cases, it’s just the result of the nervous system being overwhelmed and the muscles around the stomach becoming too relaxed. The best way to handle this situation is to remain calm and try to comfort your child with hugs, cuddles and positive words. If this happens regularly though, then you should take your child for a checkup with their pediatrician as there may be an underlying medical condition causing these episodes of vomiting.

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